Yes…They Made it Even Easier!

If you haven’t discovered it by now, I love  I make no excuses for being a mother and a woman, and having a fantastic sex life, and when I find a company as great as this one I feel that it is my solemn duty to share it with all of you.

Recently they’ve added some sales and made some changes that I’m very excited about, and it only makes sense that I share them with you.  Ready for the wonderfulness? has launched a mobile browser!  That’s right, nothing to download and update and take up precious space on your phone – just click-through to the site on your phone and the optimized site just loads.  I don’t know about you, but the majority of my browsing and shopping happens on my phone, and this is going to make it a lot easier for me to make purchases.  See, I told you they love us 🙂

In addition, they have a few fantastic sales going on now that you really must take advantage of.  It’s May-Sturbation, and that means 30% off all Doc Johnson sex toys ( some of my personal favorites!)  Also, take 20% off all month with SUMMERFUN, and lingerie and clubwear are on clearance for 50% off!  Whew!  Deals like that always make me want to shop.

Because they are awesome, every order gets a little something free – don’t forget to choose your gift before you check out!  Keep an eye on the home page banners, as well — qualifying purchases can get even more free goodies.

Have fun shopping, my lovelies!

As always, I buy everything from  – they’re fast, discreet, and the prices are great!

Eden Cafe

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